Great latkes are best made with starchy potatoes. They brown best and deliver crispy edges and soft centres. It is best to make them to order as potatoes oxidise quickly. Be assertive with the salt and whip the egg whites well, they create a lighter fluffy latke. Be sure to get the oil hot enough to crisp crust. There’s nothing worse than a soggy latke!
100g Aoraki Cold Smoked Salmon Shavings
Latke Ingredients
500g agria potatoes (or similar)
1/2 Cup finely diced onion
2 eggs
Salt & pepper to taste
1/3 cup frying oil
Sauce Ingredients
1/2 Cup of creme fraiche
1tbsp chopped capers
1 tbsp chopped gherkins
1tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped tarragon
2 tsp wholegrain mustard
Chervil sprigs (or microgreens of your choice)